Agnes Grocholska

Tax Associate

Agnes Grocholska is an accounting professional who joined Thomas J. Dwyer & Associates in May of 2019. Her primary practice areas at the firm include tax preparation for individual and business tax returns as well as tax planning.

Agnes attended school in Poland and began focusing on accounting early in her academic career. She specialized in Accounting at the Secondary School of Economics and earned her undergraduate degree in Accounting and Small Business Management from the University of Management in Rzeszow, Poland. Additionally, she earned a master’s degree in Management and Marketing at the University of Technology in Rzeszów. Once in the United States She graduated from Dominican University as Master of Science in Accounting (MSA).

After coming to the United States to increase her fluency in English, she fell in love with the country, and decided to make it her home. She settled just outside Chicago in River Forest. Agnes has a young daughter and is a big football and hockey fan. She enjoys spending time with her extended family in the U.S. and visiting with her family in Poland.